Chi Chi came to us in 2005 as a little puppy, her breed was a German Shepherd / Pitbull Mix, but as a puppy, she resembled that of a little Chihuahua and was just big enough to be held in your hand. She had these big floppy ears which took her a while to grow into.

She grew to be a big 85lbs. wolf looking dog that was highly intelligent, hyper, and very aggressive.

She was one very territorial dog and possessive of her things. Once you gave something to her, she owned it, and she certainly let you know it.

She loved to chew on things, mainly bones, and sometimes, even her own limbs.

She had a very funny personality, she would do something wrong behind your back, and would act like she did nothing wrong and if she knew that you knew she did something wrong, she would put her head down and give you the sad puppy look.

Chi Chi would observe and imitate things that we do and in doing so, she learned how to open doors.

She liked to jump on furniture a lot and being next to one of us all the time.

Her favorite activity by far was riding on the boat. Just hearing the word "boat" made her excited, sometimes even in the winter. Other activities that she enjoyed highly included going for long walks and car rides.

Her favorite foods, by far, were any meats and poultry. She could wolf them down in seconds. She preferred them over any dog treats or dog food.

She had a will like no other. When she wanted something, she would fight to get it and would push mountains to get it.

As she became older, unfortunately, she developed an insidious disease called Canine Degenerative Myelopathy which is like the dog version of amyotrophic lateral scleroris (commonly called ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease). She appeared to have lived with it for about 2 or more years until she became paraplegic and unable to move her hind legs which had became considerablely weaker.

This had caused her much anxiety, much psychological pain, and a total deterioration of her quality of life. She was a very active and energetic dog and her condition was unacceptable to her which made her whimper, cry, and bark for help constantly to let us know she was very uncomfortable with her situation. This had resulted in the tough decision to put her down. Her mind was still there, her spirit was definitely still there as was her will, but unfortunately, her body could not keep up with her mind and spirit.

She will be sorely missed by everyone that got to know her and see her from time-to-time, but definitely missed by the Goriel Family. She was very special to us, she had great instincts, a great connection, and a great bond with everyone.
Memorial Candles
Ramez lit a candle on 05/08/2024: "5 years as of today and it also fell on a Wednesday like today. The Cheech is still missed and I think about her every single day and miss the good times and all her habits, even her possession aggression. She showed me, that there's truly no bond like a man and his dog."

Ramez lit a candle on 04/23/2024: "You would be 19 right now if you were still here."

Ramez lit a candle on 05/08/2023: "4 years have passed now. Chi Chi is still missed and loved dearly. You showed up in my dreams the other night. Miss you baby and miss taking you for long walks."

Ramez G. lit a candle on 04/21/2023: "Today would have been your 18th Birthday. You are missed very dearly and you will never be forgotten. I still miss taking you for walks and feeding you."

Ramez lit a candle on 05/08/2022: "3 years ago we lost this special dog. She is missed very dearly and still loved by all of us. Rest in peace, Chi Chi, we all know you're in a better place now."

Ramez lit a candle on 04/21/2022: "Happy Birthday, Chi Chi. Today you would have been 17 years old. Miss you and love you pup. Hope you are doing well in your after life."

Ramez lit a candle on 04/21/2021: "Happy Birthday, Chi Chi. You would have been 16 years old today. You maybe gone, but you're never forgotten and you're still loved by your family. God bless you and hope you are doing well in Doggy Heaven. Thank you for the wonderful memories."

Ramez Goriel lit a candle on 10/28/2020: "God bless you, Chi Chi. Everyone still misses you and talks about you to this very day."

Ramez lit a candle on 07/03/2020: "Boat rides are not the same w/o you little pup. You were always the first one on the boat and the last one to get off. Hope you are doing well wherever you are. Miss you and love you dearly."

Ramez lit a candle on 05/08/2020: "1 year ago, we said goodbye to Chi Chi. It just hasn't been the same. God bless you, Chi Chi. You are missed and forever loved."

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In Chi Chi's Memory


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